Bookmarks Kid Crafts

Make Reading Fun With Crafts – Elephant Bookmark

February 26, 2020
Elephant Bookmark would not be a learning to read blog without bookmarks, right? Of course not! Make reading fun with crafts and try making this cute elephant bookmark with your kiddos!

Elephant Bookmark Craft - Make Reading Fun With Crafts

When I worked as a Library Media Specialist at an elementary school paper crafts were always one of my favorites. Especially when I already had all the materials I needed right in my supply closet. You can make reading fun with crafts an Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon, and then sent down with a great book.

So, grab a stack of colored scrap paper (or card stock), scissors, and glue; then download the template. You’ll have everything you need to make reading fun with these adorable Elephant Bookmarks!

How To Make An Elephant Bookmark:


  1. Colored cardstock paper
  2. Pencil
  3. Pen
  4. Scissors
  5. Craft glue
  6. Template


Step 1

Select a cardstock paper for the elephant, select pink shade for the inner ear parts and simply print and cut out the eye templates. Trace the template pattern on the selected paper and cut them out using scissors.

Step 1 - Elephant Bookmark Craft

Step 2

Attach the head cutout (the round shape) on the top side of the body cutout by overlapping a cm of both cutouts.

Step 2 - Elephant Bookmark Craft - Make Reading Fun With Crafts

Step 3

Take the big ear cutouts and attach the pink ear cutouts (inner parts of the ears) on the big ones.

Step 3 - Elephant Bookmark Craft

Step 4

Attach the ears on the top backside of the head pattern.

Step 4 - Elephant Bookmark Craft - Make Reading Fun With Crafts

Step 5

Attach the tail at the backside of the body part of the elephant and the trunk pattern near the bottom middle side of the head.

Step 5 - Elephant Bookmark Craft

Step 6

Attach the front leg cutouts on the front side of the body, keeping about 2 cm gap along the bottom side of the body pattern.

Step 6 - Elephant Bookmark Craft - Make Reading Fun With Crafts

Step 7

Attach the eyes on the head and use a pen to trace a smile near the trunk of the elephant. You can also use coloring pencils to trace shades along the trunk of the elephant.

Step 7 - Elephant Bookmark Craft

Isn’t he adorable?!

Final Product - Elephant Bookmark Craft - Make Reading Fun With Crafts

If your kiddos loved making this fun Elephant Bookmark, they will love this We Bare Bears Bookmark too!

Try them out and let me know how they turn out in the comments!

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