Books PK-5

10 Benefits Of Reading Books To Your Toddler

January 16, 2020

Affiliate Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links where I earn a commission if you make a purchase. However this in no way affects my recommendation. If I recommended the book, I have actually read it (or listened to it) and liked it! 

Toddlers are at that age where they are curious about everything and their minds are quick to absorb whatever they observe. This is the perfect time for parents to introduce virtues and teach them skills that they will grow up with. Reading books is one of the most effective and efficient ways of building their literacy skills as well as knowledge of the language. This is the point they are learning how to identify different numbers, letters and syllables forming the language. There are many benefits of reading to your toddler and this article explores some of these benefits.

1.      It increases their chances of doing well in school

When you introduce reading to your toddlers early enough, they are able to grasp whatever they will learn in school faster and better. Students who had their parents read to them when they were toddlers have been documented to be better learners in their elementary school. This results in better performance in school.

Learn To Read

2.      It fosters the bond between you and the toddler

When you take the time to read books to your toddler, you will be spending a lot of time together. This creates a strong bond and intimacy between you. They will grow up with this sense of awareness and love that you have created for them. This sense of well-being and belonging is an important one to them as they grow up.

3.      It enhances their vocabulary

When you are reading to your toddlers, chances are you will come across different words that they might not understand. When you explain to them what these words mean, you are actually building on their vocabulary. This goes a long way in enhancing their writing and comprehension skills.

4.      It improves their communication skills

One of the most important life skills is communication. Being articulate and being able to communicate your needs effectively is a desirable trait. When you read books to your toddler, you are giving them the capacity to understand words and later speak them out. They are able to relay their thoughts in a plausible manner.

5.      Encourages creativity

When they listen to how a certain character utilized their wit to solve a specific problem, it triggers their imagination and they are able to think creatively and this enhances their problem-solving skills.

6.      It encourages them to read on their own

Reading books to your toddler triggers a sense of curiosity. They get motivated to read for themselves. This is an amazing way of creating a good reading culture that will transform them into lifelong learners.

Girl reading

7.      They are able to have empathy

They get to understand that certain actions have a specific reaction. They learn about how people feel when something happens to them and lets them develop their emotional capacity.

8.      It enhances their concentration and discipline

Reading is an art that requires some level of concentration if one is to understand what they have read.  When your kids are able to concentrate on reading, they will be able to apply the same virtue to other areas of their lives as well.

9.      It enhances their level of understanding and curiosity

When they read about things happening far from where they live, they tend to be curious about the world. You will find them asking you questions about other things and this is a great foundation to learning more about the world they live in.

10. Improves their language skills

Reading allows your toddler to know how to write well, understand syllables and construct good sentences. They are able to learn and understand the language skills and how to make good sentences.

Do you need some read aloud ideas? The following titles are great read alouds that will get kids ramped up and ready to read!

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